we are Anima
Charity calendar 2022
we are Anima
Charity calendar 2022
This year's calendar was born out of our abiding love for the little proteges of Gdynia's children hospice, out of our feeling of responsibility and care for the Amber Harbour. Everyone who took part in its' creation dedicated their talent, their time, and resources to these brave, young patients.
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we are Anima
The Emerald Gala
we are Anima
The Emerald Gala
A fashion show, fascinating lectures, and dance presentation were the centerpieces of this charming charity gala, we've had an honor to co-organize. All proceeds went to the mothers of children with disabilities.
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we are Anima
Back to school
we are Anima
Back to school
Together with ACCA, we have organized a special concert and a collection event, to provide the necessary school supplies for Portuguese children in need.
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we are Anima
we are Anima
We are most happy to support and engage in hippotherapy sessions for children and adults with disabilities. It is a great joy to bring them these happy and empowering experiences!
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we are Anima
Hearts Connect the Generations
we are Anima
Hearts Connect the Generations
For another edition of Gdynia's Voices for Hospices, Przemek Dyakowski and Tricity's most acclaimed classical and jazz musicians shared the stage with their talented children and students to aid the Amber Harbour hospice.
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we are Anima
Spring Awakening
we are Anima
Spring Awakening
This fundraising event was different for every edition. The first one revolved around fashion, the latter - around poetry. Each supported the little patients of Amber Harbour children hospice.
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What do we do?
We bring help to those who need it the most
For lack of better words, Anima Action is an informal charity organisation.
What started as a personal mission to bring help to the unfortunate have turned into a larger initiative engaging companies, public institutions, venues, artists and many others in a goal to make the world a little nicer.
Among many causes Anima had aided, the most notable was supporting the palliative care in Gdynia, Poland. We have assisted in developing Amber Harbour (Bursztynowa Przystań), the city's first hospice for children. We have organised numerous events, concerts and social parties to ensure that the facility and its patients get the recognition and financial support they deserve.
We have been managing Amber Harbour's social media presence and together with Jakub Ubych, Magda Stasiak and Michał Ostrowicki, we helped create Gdynia's both adult and children hospices' websites.
While most of our charity work was focused on palliative and health care facilities, we have also engaged in helping the homeless, encouraging voluntary work and supporting talented artists.
Recently we have helped in publishing "Sax Club Pana Dyakowskiego". Co-written by journalists Kamil Wicik and Mariusz Nowaczyński, the book is an extended interview with one of Poland's most recognised saxophonists, jazz veteran Przemek Dyakowski.
Take a look at our website and see if you can picture yourself as a part of Anima Action.

Our values

We are hungry for action.

We are a glass-half-full kind of people.

We believe that the only true value in life is to do good things with good people.

We believe in helping the innocent and unfortunate.
What we've
Helped to create Gdynia's first child hospice
Among many causes Anima had aided, the most notable was supporting the palliative care in Gdynia, Poland.
In 2013 we had a great chance to assist our friends from Hospice of St. Lawrence Association, Allcon Budownictwo and the local government in developing Amber Harbour, the city's first hospice for children. Since then we have organised numerous events, concerts and social parties to ensure that the facility and its patients get the recognition and financial support they deserve.
Together with Jakub Ubych, Magda Stasiak and Michał Ostrowicki, we helped create Gdynia's both adult and children hospices' websites. We have been managing Amber Harbour's social media presence, raising awareness of palliative care and often running donation drives for food, toys and toiletries. Thankfully, support among the local community has been astonishing, with institutions and people of all ages assigning for the volunteer work and frequently providing children with daily necessities or holiday gifts.
Amber Harbour provides perinatal and postnatal children palliative care, both stationary and at patient's home.
What we've
Charity events and Voices for Hospices
Since Amber Harbour hospice launched its activity in 2013, we have been active in raising funds, goods and awareness for its cause.
We organised numerous events, concerts and social parties to ensure that the facility and its patients get the recognition and financial support they deserve.
In 2016 and 2017 we coordinated two 'Spring Awakening' parties. The first revolved around fashion, art and music, the latter - around poetry. More recently we have co-organised two editions of the Polish-French Grand Charity Gala.
Yet the initiative we are the happiest of was joining the international World Hospice and Palliative Care Day celebrations with charity concerts.
Organised annually since 2013, our Voices for Hospices have presented some of the most acclaimed of pop, jazz, and classical musicians, including Raz Dwa Trzy, Robert Kasprzycki, Ania Dąbrowska, Włodek Pawlik, Eric Allen, Jan "Ptaszyn" Wróblewski, Przemek Dyakowski, Iza Połońska and Zbigniew Zamachowski to name some. Hosted by Atlantic Club, Ucho Music Club and lately by Z. Noskowski's Music School in Gdynia, each show met with a warm reception both for its noble cause and great music.
We are proud to say that all these events managed to gain significant interest, media coverage and successfully raised funds for the Amber Harbour hospice.
What we've
The Healing Power of Beauty
In last years we had the pleasure to coordinate a project called The Healing Power of Beauty.
Aimed at providing a friendlier environment for those facing difficult health problems, the project helped to donate the works of local photographers to health care facilities in Gdynia. We hope that their beauty might offer at least a mild relieve to people who deal with the most challenging diagnoses.
Kamila Kwidzińska's colourful floral photographies envigorated the walls at the Hostel for Patients and the Oncology Centre of PCK Marine Hospital, while Elwira Kruszelnicka's calming sea landscapes embellished the corridors of Internal Medicine Ward of St. Vincent a Paulo's Hospital in Gdynia.
What we've
Amber Block Awards
In 2017 we launched the Amber Block Awards (Bryła Bursztynu), granted to people whose work set an example of altruism and dedication to others.
Beautiful amber statues were designed by the ART7 studio and presented to winners during the Polish-French Grand Charity Galas, charity events co-organised and co-financed by Anima.
In 2017 the award went to professor Dominik Połoński, a world-famous neurosurgeon with exemptional expertise and dedication in saving human lives. A year later the statue was granted to Joanna Matuszewska, journalist and author of an acclaimed guide for oncology patients, based on her own experience of a successful fight with cancer.
" There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle. "
- Albert Einstein
Who are we?
My name is Anna. As a long time event organiser and fundraiser, I had long ago decided to use my experience to make the world a little better. This is how Anima Action began. For years, together with my friends, colleagues and business partners we have been organising and engaging in many charitable causes and volunteer work.
I also support people and organisations in their pursuits and aspirations. Through individual coaching sessions, I help my clients to fully utilise their resources, improve relationships, make difficult decisions or go through important changes in their work and lives.